August 18, 2022    Photo of Aprilynne Pike    Aprilynne Pike

Swoogo Makes List of 5000 Fastest Growing Businesses in America

We’re so excited to announce that for the third year in a row, Swoogo has made The Inc. 5000, an annual list of the fastest growing businesses in America.

5000, you might be saying, sounds like a list everyone gets on. Actually, with over 5 million private companies in the US, it really is a huge accomplishment. We’ve come quite a long way from a fledgeling idea that was literally cooked up at a kitchen table in Rhode Island, to where we are now—a thriving event management platform with 70+ employees. But our mission has always remained the same: empower anyone to bring people together.

So you know who a lot of the credit goes to? Every single one of our customers. With an extra special mention to those who stuck with us through the extreme thick and thin that has been the last few years.

From the entire Swoogo Team, we thank you!

What is this list anyways?

Every year for forty years now, Inc. Magazine goes through an extensive evaluation of thousands upon thousands of businesses to analyze and verify their revenue growth percentages. But the theme this past year was not only success and growth, but adaptation and resilience. Inc. emphasized that this has been a time of change, which makes it an even bigger accomplishment for the companies who have managed to grow. 

Fastest growing businesses? And so?

Awards are always fun, but why is this one special? Because it specifically acknowledges that Swoogo is growing, and growing fast. 300% in 2021! You probably know this, but rapid growth is called scaling, and it’s a huge goal for new companies. It means you’ve solidified the awesomeness of your product, wooed some funding, (and maybe a brand-new, excited CEO) and it’s time to see how far your baby can stretch. 

And oh boy have we been stretching. Swoogo has been growing year over year since 2019, even through the ups and downs that I don’t even have to remind you of. Our employee roster has grown right alongside our customer base, and we’re all working hard. 

But I’ll tell you another secret.

Scaling is scary

Why? Because there’s so much at stake. You know that saying that what goes up must come down? There’s always that risk when you go up quickly. Maybe too quickly. Most of our employees signed on with a company that they knew was scaling, with no guarantee that the growth would continue. Because there’s a lot trying to put any growing company down. No industry is easy—everyone’s competing for customers, trying to balance growth and reinvestment, and trying to find ways to stand out. (Hello marketing.)

It also means you have to be ready to work hard. Because growing is like walking (or running) uphill *cue Kate Bush*. Everyone is pushing and working and thinking as we all push Swoogo together.

But here’s the other not-so-secret.

Scaling is exciting

It’s so fun to be part of a project that is succeeding and everyone at Swoogo is proud of the small piece we play to help keep Swoogo as one of those fastest growing businesses. We celebrate every win, and then put our heads down and work for the next one. We take a minute to bemoan every loss … but then we have to pick ourselves up and think, “How can I do better next time?”

Growth is dynamic and motivating, and we can all feel the excitement at Swoogo each time we meet for our company huddle. 

You’re helping too!

When everything else is swept away, the fact is that growth doesn’t happen unless we can convince customers to try our product, love it, support them as they use it, and maybe even get them to tell their friends (hint, hint.) Growth = Customers.

So while we at Swoogo are ecstatic that we are growing, and that our growth has been recognized by the most prestige growth list in the country, we have to take a moment to thank you, to thank everyone who uses Swoogo, tells people about Swoogo, and especially anyone who took a chance on Swoogo, or expanded their contract with us in 2021.

YOU are that growth. Thank you!