September 6, 2024    •    Swoogo

Learn To Promote Your Event on LinkedIn Effectively

Promoting events on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your marketing strategy. With its professional network and robust targeting capabilities, LinkedIn offers unique advantages that other social platforms might not provide.

You might wonder how to make the most of LinkedIn for your event promotion. The key lies in understanding the benefits and leveraging the platform’s features effectively.

Let’s explore the specific benefits you can gain from promoting your events on LinkedIn.

Benefits of Promoting Events on LinkedIn

Targeted Reach

Imagine being able to invite exactly who you want to your event—no more random attendees. LinkedIn lets you target specific industries, job titles, or even regions. Whether you’re aiming for marketing pros in New York or tech enthusiasts in Silicon Valley, LinkedIn’s precision targeting helps you hit the bullseye every time.

Increased Event Visibility

Who doesn’t love a little extra attention? LinkedIn boosts your event’s visibility among the right crowd. Share your event on your company page, employee profiles, and through LinkedIn’s event feature. The algorithm works its magic to push your event to users whose activity and interests align with what you’re offering. To further enhance visibility, consider how you can create event experiences that captivate your audience.

Lead Generation

Generating quality leads is like finding gold. LinkedIn’s professional environment is perfect for connecting with decision-makers and influencers likely to attend your event. Use LinkedIn’s lead generation forms to capture attendee info seamlessly, making it easier to follow up and convert leads into participants. Tracking these leads with specific event KPIs can help you measure success and optimize future events.

Types of LinkedIn Event Promotion

Organic Event Promotion

Organic promotion is all about using LinkedIn’s free tools to create buzz. Start with a dedicated event page filled with all the details—date, time, location, and a brief description. Then, keep the excitement alive by sharing updates on your company and personal profiles. Encourage your team to share it too. Post updates about speakers, agenda highlights, and behind-the-scenes content to keep everyone engaged. And don’t forget to respond to comments and questions—building a community vibe around your event is key. For more strategies, check out these social media hacks to maximize your organic reach.

Paid Event Promotion

Want to take it up a notch? Paid promotion can give your event the visibility boost it needs. Sponsored content puts your event posts directly into the feeds of your target audience. This way, even those who don’t follow your page but fit your demographic can see your event. You can also use targeted ads to get your event in front of the right people. These can appear in the sidebar or as native content within the feed. Use eye-catching visuals and clear calls-to-action to drive clicks and registrations. 

Hybrid Event Promotion

Why choose between organic and paid when you can have both? Start with organic methods to build initial interest. Create your event page, share updates, and engage with your audience. Once you’ve got some traction, amplify your efforts with paid promotion. Boost your organic posts with sponsored content and use targeted ads to attract new attendees. This balanced approach leverages the strengths of both methods, maximizing your event’s reach and impact. You can also drive event registrations from other social media platforms like Facebook to complement your LinkedIn efforts.

How to Create a LinkedIn Event

Navigate to the Events Tab

First things first, log into your LinkedIn account and head to the homepage. On the left-hand side, you’ll see options like “Groups” and “Pages.” Click on the “Events” tab. This will take you to the Events section where you can see events you’re attending or have created. Click “Create Event” to start setting up your new event. 

Fill in Event Details

Now, fill in the details. Start with the basics—event name, date, and time. Choose whether it’s online or in-person. For online events, provide a link to the webinar or livestream. Add a compelling description outlining what attendees can expect, including the agenda, speakers, and special activities. Select the appropriate event format and category to help LinkedIn recommend your event to the right audience. Don’t forget to upload a banner image to make your event visually appealing.

Invite Connections and Promote

With your event details sorted, it’s time to invite your connections. LinkedIn lets you invite your first-degree connections directly. Go to the event page and click “Invite.” Select connections individually or use filters to invite groups based on industry, job title, or location. Promote your event by sharing it on your LinkedIn feed and encouraging your team to do the same. Post regular updates to keep the momentum going and use LinkedIn’s messaging feature to send personalized invitations to key contacts.

Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Event Page

Use a Compelling Event Title

Your event title is the first thing potential attendees will see. Make it count! Keep it clear, engaging, and jargon-free. For example, instead of “Annual Marketing Conference,” try “2024 Marketing Innovations Summit.” This not only specifies the year but also highlights the focus on innovations, making it more appealing.

Provide a Detailed Event Description

A detailed description is crucial. Break down the schedule into sessions, provide brief bios of the speakers, and highlight any unique aspects of your event. Use bullet points for easy readability. This gives potential attendees a clear picture of the value they will gain from attending. 

Include Engaging Visuals

Visuals can make or break your event page. Use high-quality images and graphics that represent your event. A compelling banner image can make your event page stand out. Include photos of past events, speaker headshots, and relevant infographics. Clear and professional images help maintain a polished look. 

Encourage Attendees to Invite Others

Word of mouth is powerful. Encourage attendees to invite their connections. Add a call-to-action in your event updates and posts, like, “Know someone who would benefit from this event? Invite them to join us!” Offer incentives such as early bird discounts or exclusive access to certain sessions for those who bring in additional attendees. This builds a sense of community around your event.

How to Leverage LinkedIn Groups for Event Promotion

Identify Relevant Groups

Finding the right LinkedIn groups can amplify your event promotion. Use LinkedIn’s search bar to find groups related to your industry, profession, or specific interests. Look for groups with substantial activity and member count. Join groups where your potential attendees are likely to be members. For more ideas, explore these online event communities that can help you expand your reach.

Engage with Group Members

Once you’ve joined relevant groups, don’t just lurk—engage! Participate in discussions, share your insights, and answer questions. Focus on contributing meaningfully to the conversation. This builds trust and makes group members more receptive to your event promotion later on.

Share Event Details in Groups

After establishing your presence, start sharing details about your event. Create a post highlighting key aspects like the agenda, speakers, and unique features. Include a link to your event page and a compelling call-to-action. Make your post visually appealing with images or graphics related to the event. Engage with any comments or questions to maintain interest.

Strategies for Engaging Attendees Before and After Your LinkedIn Event

Pre-Event Engagement

Building excitement before the event is crucial. Share teasers and countdowns—post short videos or images highlighting key speakers and sessions. Use a countdown timer to create urgency. Polls and surveys can also engage your audience and provide insights into their interests. Offer incentives like early access to event materials to encourage participation. Leveraging audience data can help you tailor your engagement strategies effectively.

Post-Event Engagement

After the event, keep the momentum going. Send personalized thank you messages to attendees. Share event highlights and recaps, including key takeaways and memorable moments. Use a mix of text, images, and videos to make the recap engaging. Post these highlights on your LinkedIn event page and encourage attendees to share their own experiences. For more innovative tactics, consider how to market to people who hate marketing.

How Much Does It Cost to Promote an Event on LinkedIn?

Factors Affecting Cost

Several factors influence LinkedIn promotion costs. Your target audience, campaign duration, ad format, and competition for keywords all play a role. Targeting a niche or highly sought-after demographic can increase costs, as can longer campaigns.

Bidding Options

LinkedIn offers various bidding options to suit different goals. Cost-per-click (CPC) is great for driving traffic, while cost-per-impression (CPM) is effective for increasing brand awareness. Cost-per-send (CPS) for Sponsored InMail charges you for each message delivered. Choose the option that aligns with your objectives.

Budget Optimization Tips

To get the most bang for your buck, set a clear daily or total budget. Use LinkedIn’s targeting features to narrow down your audience. Monitor your campaign performance and adjust your bids and targeting as needed. A/B test different ad creatives and formats to see what works best. Consider running shorter, focused campaigns to maximize impact. Check out this guide, if you need help in winning a bigger budget for your event.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Events with Swoogo

Promoting your event on LinkedIn can drive targeted reach, increased visibility, and lead generation. To maximize these benefits, you need a robust event management platform. Swoogo offers customizable registration forms, seamless integrations, and powerful analytics to help you manage and promote your events effectively.

Don’t just take our word for it—see for yourself how Swoogo can transform your event promotion strategy. Visit Swoogo Pricing to learn more.