Following a number of webhook enhancements throughout 2024, now you can manage webhook headers via Swoogo API! Having this flexibility will help ensure your data stays secure in an efficient and automated way. 🔐
Skip the guess work. We’ve added a custom domain counter in Swoogo so you can monitor how many of your custom domains are actively in use. For any account with sub accounts, the parent account will show the total sum of custom domains available & active across all sub accounts.
Visit the Domains tab under General Setup to see it in action.
Stay on top of your webhooks at a glance! We’ve added functionality to help you better understand how your webhooks have performed over the past day or month.
See stats showing the last time each of your webhooks was triggered. Click into a specific webhook to see usage graphs and more detailed info, such as processing time, what action triggered it, or sort by webhooks that Succeeded, Failed, or had Status Changes.
You’ll also notice minor UI improvements, like popovers which will keep your dashboard from getting too cluttered and only reveal long strings of information (URLs, debugging details, etc.) when you hover your mouse over a specific area.