Bringing you the most powerful onsite experience, together

Best-in-class registration
Attendee tracking
Drag-and-drop website builder
Attendee engagement
Badge printing
Fully mobile responsive back end
Free integrations
Lead retrieval

Even better together


Customize attendee data

Segment your registrants with Swoogo to create bespoke attendee tracking with Validar

Event hub

Early birds to walk-ins

Connect your Swoogo registration with Validar’s on-demand badge printing and seamless in-person check-in

“Swoogo is, and I don’t say this lightly, the best event management platform that I have ever used. And it’s not just the platform, it’s the company and the people behind it.”
Lorraine M, Eventium

Event marketing

Automate your marketing

Combine Swoogo’s automation with Validar’s lead retrieval for more effective post-event attendee marketing.

Security & compliance

Protection and security for all your data

Protect Validar’s attendee tracking data with Swoogo’s best-in-class security via our seamless integration.

Data + insights

Instant updates for busy event profs

Push and pull attendee data from Validar into Swoogo, and back again for the most effective data, reporting, and analysis in the industry.

Introducing our (free-use) native integration:

Enable Validar on your Swoogo dashboard with one click

Smooth, fast synching
Auto-synching every five minutes, with instant data push, allows for walk-ins and last-minute changes, without losing attendee data.
Seamless lead retrieval
Our native-build integration connects in a single click for effortless data flow. Combine with the CRM of your choice for limitless marketing opps.
Walk-ins welcome
Swoogo’s mobile responsive dashboard paired with Validar’s easy check-in creates last-minute registrants in a moment.

See how Validar + Swoogo can work for you