Let’s break down a comprehensive list of what you can find in Swoogo to help you take your events virtual. Ready?
Virtual for the overall event: for events that only have one virtual meeting link for the entire event
Virtual for multiple sessions (used in conjunction with EventHub)
Direct Integrations with Zoom, GoToWebinar, ON24.
All other virtual providers can be used in Swoogo via a URL under the Other option.
Swoogo Virtual Link: A personalized Swoogo link that is used in place of your Join URL for a virtual event or session to prevent unauthorized access or access to an event or session without having registered and/or a personalized Swoogo link used to prevent link sharing. This virtual link will appear on calendar invites used through the "Attach calendar invite to the email" or Add to Calendar button (event).
EventHub: Your day-of-event page for a multi-stream event with sessions
Waiting Room: A holding zone before meetings/sessions start, this redirect to the virtual link
Live Pages: Live Pages are used after your session waiting room has closed. Usually, you would have a video widget broadcasting the session, together with any chat/engagement widgets.
On-Demand Pages: On-Demand Pages are used after your live session has finished. Usually, you would put a recorded copy of your live session here.
Content Pages: all website pages have the ability to be visible only to those registered logged in by their email/password
Virtual Sessions widget: displays all sessions selected by the current registrant
Pigeonhole widget: add a Q&A or Poll feature (this is an external provider, you will need to have a license with them to use)
Chat: add chat to any website page that is sign-in protected (EventHub, Sessions, etc)
Virtual session via integration or URL
Swoogo Waiting Room: a room to hold attendees before the session starts located on Swoogo (not on the virtual provider. Virtual providers may have their own waiting room, we do not recommend using both).
Swoogo Page: Live Page - for live stream/streaming sessions
Swoogo Page: On-Demand Page to display recorded/completed sessions
Session Attendance Report: for you to pull attendance and Waiting Room view data for your virtual sessions
Add to Calendar: when adding individual sessions or all sessions to a calendar, any sessions that have a virtual URL will show as the Swoogo Virtual Link in a calendar invite.
Use Swoogo Virtual Meetings or requestor of the meeting to add their own virtual URL for the location of their meeting
Swoogo Virtual Sponsors Meeting: virtual meeting for sponsors/attendees