Swoogo’s custom session builder allows you to build out your event with lots of mini-events and provide an optional or required agenda to your registrants. Here’s how it works.
You can view individual session details and easily make session edits and changes to your agenda.
You can also utilize the timezone setting when planning an event with sessions across multiple time zones.
Easily create/delete single sessions, or import a file and create/delete multiple sessions at once.
Occasionally you may want to create concurrent or non-conflicting sessions to allow your registrants to select more than one session at the same time. For example, maybe there is an open expo hall time or an informational "drop-in" session.
There are multiple ways to create these sessions that allow you to select other sessions at the same time during registration, without conflict or double-booking in Swoogo.
Swoogo also allows you to change session visibility conditions and add conditions to determine when and where the session is visible to registrants.
Tracks are used to help organize a series of sessions, it also adds a way for your registrants to filter sessions. You can only assign one track per session in Swoogo.
Easily make mass updates to individual sessions, to multiple fields at a time, or to multiple fields at once.
You can also customize the registration display on your form, by selecting the fields that are being displayed, re-ordering the fields by dragging and dropping them, or changing the grouping and sorting orders of the fields.
You can also allow your registrants to filter the sessions on your registration form by choosing the fields you would like the registrants to be able to see on your registration form.