Using Swoogo Analytics

You've set up your virtual event in Swoogo, now you want to see how many people actually attended your event and which sessions they attended. Well, it’s your lucky day––we’ve just added the ability to track this data in Swoogo + more! 

Swoogo Analytics is the key to discovering which of your attendees actually attended the event or sessions––but it's more than that. You can also see activity throughout the website once we know who the Registrant is, or, once they log in. Tracking which pages they visit and for how long, can be a very helpful tool in marketing to those individuals, or even sending this data to your Sponsors and Exhibitors.

What Data is Collected?

Let's break down this data for you: 

Analytics Dashboard / Reports

Now in Swoogo, you have access to a new section called Analytics, which contains your Real-Time Dashboard. 

Let's also talk about what "Real-Time" and "Active Users" really mean.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's talk about what data you'll find here...

The Right Now, Recent Page Views, and Top Active Pages sections will automatically update/refresh every minute to provide you with real-time data.

Creating Analytics Reports

You can now also create your own custom reports of past data of page views. Here, you can select the data of the specific pages from your website and generate a report.