Tracking Tools and Analytics

Let’s talk about the tools and analytics available for your use within Swoogo.

Easily add Swoogo Analytics, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, or your own custom tracking code on your site to track analytics!

Tracking Conversions

Need a way to track conversions on your event? We’ve got you covered. Swoogo happens to have its own Analytics tracking in-platform. In addition, Swoogo fully integrates with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixels.  

We also have a fantastic guide for those new to analytics: The 2019 Event Analytics Guide.

Swoogo Analytics

Swoogo Analytics is the key to discovering which of your attendees actually attended the event or sessions––but it's more than that. You can also see activity throughout the website once we know who the Registrant is, or, once they log in. Tracking which pages they visit and for how long, can be a very helpful tool in marketing to those individuals, or even sending this data to your Sponsors and Exhibitors.

Google Analytics

Enabling Google Analytics lets you enter your UA Tracking ID, and the system will place the tracking code on your site pages for you automatically––no more copying and pasting code.

Google Tag Manager

If you are a more advanced user and have implemented Google Tag Manager, you can enable that option instead.

Facebook Pixel

If you are using a Facebook tracking pixel, you can enable that in Swoogo, as well.

Javascript Snippets

You can manage which pages your javascript snippets are applied to by using this option. By creating Javascript Snippets at the Account level, you are able to use the same snippet across not only multiple pages, but multiple event sites in your Account.

Add Custom Analytics Tracking Code as Javascript

You are also able to add your custom analytic tracking code to pages in Swoogo.

Cookie Alert

In this area, you can configure the Cookie Alert that can pop up on your site to inform registrants about which information you track and link to your privacy policy. There is the option to include an "Opt-Out" Cookie Alert when enabling Swoogo Analytics, and this will allow tracking cookies to be disabled by the site visitor while leaving functionality cookies active.

Content Security Policy

A content security policy is a security setting that lets you control where your site can be embedded or iframed (amongst other things). Without a content security policy, it would be possible for people to embed your website inside their own with an iframe, and then collect data from the iframe. Due to the security risks, it's really important that you only let your site be embedded or iframed into sites you trust.

We've done this for you! Swoogo automatically applies a content security policy to your website to prevent people from putting it inside iframes. By default, no other website can iframe your website. However, if you do want to embed your site inside an iframe on another website you can do so - you will need to "safelist" sites that you trust.