Create as many tax rates as you need for your event in Swoogo! Our platform allows for multiple tax rates, to be used across multiple events. Here’s the run-down.
Primary Tax Rate
To apply a primary tax rate, go to your event, and simply select which you would like to use. After you've selected the tax rate, you have the ability to specify exactly what the tax rate applies to.
If you are not applying the tax rate to the entire registration (ie. registrant type, package, sessions, etc), you can create individual line items to specify the tax rate. You then will be able to go through each line item and select the tax rate you'd like to use.
So, what about secondary tax rates? Do you ever need to charge two different tax rates? Once you select a primary tax rate you can also select a secondary if applicable.
Simply select the correct secondary rate of tax, and save changes.
For countries that use VAT (taxes), registrants who are eligible for VAT tax reduction can enter their Tax ID in the payment process. These VAT numbers need to be verified to ensure that they are valid, which is done through the API.
With people registering for your event from all over the world, let alone different states, a challenge that you may have faced was "how do I charge them the correct amount of tax based on their physical address?" Well, the answer is Avalara's AvaTax! We've built an integration so that you can set up your AvaTax account in Swoogo to do just that.
*Swoogo does not and cannot provide tax advice for your setup. If you have tax-related questions, we advise you to seek a tax professional*