Digital events without boundaries

Events minus travel. Unlock the unique benefits of digital events and find out how to transform your next event from just a webinar into a one-of-a-kind journey, with immersive sessions, streaming freedom, and a fully-branded digital experience.

Convert your digital event into always-on content

Embed seamlessly
Use any of Swoogo’s free streaming integrations to embed live content right onto your website.
To market, to market
Use recorded content to market to prospects for your next event by emailing links or video snippets.
Increase engagement
Use content, or links to content, on social media to get feedback so you can target it even better next time.
Make FOMO work for you
Host content from your last event on your website to build excitement for your next event.
Achievement unlocked
Make some content available only to attendees who have registered for the next event. It’s a little reward.
Be a YouTube pro
Informative content on your YouTube channel will help build your subscriber base for commercial content.

Lights, Camera, Audio... We're Streaming

Swoogo's Day-of-Event hub works with any video provider, so pick your streaming poison. Whether you want Vimeo, Socialive, Zoom, On24, GoToMeeting or something else entirely, we've got you covered.